Auto-renewal - You're in control

You can check your automatic renewal status at any time in MyAccount and you can make a change to your automatic renewal settings at any point in the duration of your policy.

So if you’re happy with your renewal offer and your details are the same, simply check your automatic renewal is switched on and you can have peace of mind, knowing you’ll continue to be insured with our 5 Star Defaqto rated insurance.

If you have automatic renewal switched off
If you’ve opted out of automatic renewal but you’d like to take up your renewal offer with us, you can now use MyAccount to turn automatic renewal on, or complete the online form and your renewal will be processed automatically. If all your details are the same, this saves you having to give us a call.

If there has been a change to some of your details or you want to renew your policy over the phone, you can contact our friendly UK-based team via Webchat or on 0344 412 2171. If we don’t hear from you, we’ll assume you don’t want to renew, and your policy will end.

If you have automatic renewal switched on
If you’re happy with your renewal offer and you’re opted into automatic renewal, your policy will be automatically renewed on your renewal date using the payment details that we hold for you.  These details will be clearly stated on your renewal letter. Automatic renewal aims to save you time and helps ensure you have continuous insurance, so you don’t unknowingly ride uninsured.

If you’ve received your renewal and want to discuss things, you can contact us via Webchat, Online Service Centre or over the phone on 0344 412 2171



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